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<<< die Schatten der Vergangenheit<<< >>> es strahlt, die Zukunft>>>

The New Contest!

07/23/2002 - 12:14 p.m.

Ok - so lotsa people have been asking when the next Red's Contest was gonna start, and the answer is: Right effing now!

Announcing the
Whut Th' Heck Did Red Mean?!?!?

This morning I was looking on my desk and I found an index card with a bunch of cryptic writing on it. It is my writing, but I have no idea when I wrote it or what it means. Here's a description:

There are (approximately) two columns. They aren't very tidy, and the right hand column in particular is very twisty. The writing is on the side with the line, but it doesn't really respect the lines. Some entries are separated by one line, others by two or more.

The left (relatively orderly) column:

The right (extremely disordered) line:

The 'Peth' and 'Rabe' entries are linked by a large square bracket (like this: [ (only bigger)).

The 'Peth' entry may say 'Peter,' but it looks like 'Peth.'

The 'Henry' and 'Whittington' entries look as if they are really one entry on two lines.

I'll have a scan of the derned thing later.

Go to the rules page for full details, or just click "make your guess" over there on the right......

Music to be puzzled by:
Radio Birdman - "You're Gonna Miss Me" (Radios Appear)
"You're gonna wake up one morning baby,
As the sun brings the dawn
You're gonna wake up one morning baby,
As the sun brings the dawn
You're gonna look for me look for me
You're gonna find I am gone!"

See what I did there? I went and moved my diaryring to a rings and reviews page!

<<< die Schatten der Vergangenheit<<< >>> es strahlt, die Zukunft>>>

These are Japanese drummers. Yep, those are drums!

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♦ More fun coming soon....

Use this ginchy little piece of elven magic to enter the
Wht Th' heck Did Red Mean?!?!?!?Contest!

Make your guess....
get this gear!

Contest status:

Enter at your own peril!!!!