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On 2002-08-22 11:48:43, might had this to say -

this was lousy. pee-ew!
On 2002-08-22 13:27:06, Bitchy had this to say -

As much as I would like to trash you, I loved that entry. Oh, wait, I can't stand that you haev links open in new windows and I have to use the scroll bars too much whilst looking at your diary and your html SUCKS! and and you ought to really curse instead of saying "filth" like some sort of pussy.
On 2002-08-23 09:24:12, Bitchy had this to say -

Oh, yeah, and you're boring and stuff.
On 2002-08-28 01:09:34, toofa mcbrush had this to say -

Yeah, ok... so I am five days late with this one but I just noticed that Bitchy mentioned the scrollbars too but also YEAH! I really hate it when people have links open in a new window! What the fuck? Like, if I wanted a link to open in a new window, I would just press shift and click, asswipe! Thank you for making that call for me! No, really! I guess it's SO IMPORTANT to have this new window open because heaven forfuckingbid I'd have to press back on my browser! FUCKING SHIT! Now I'm really mad.

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