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<<< die Schatten der Vergangenheit<<< >>> es strahlt, die Zukunft>>>


06/10/2004 - 11:42 a.m.

People done been getting lotsa cryptic spamms lately. I done been getting 'em too, like this one:
baser peritoneomuscular myelodiastasis estuarine acetosoluble bebouldered nonheritor linearization pickford rotundas. breathingly stalklet unlogical letting blennioid anethol blennioid. nychthemer hemarthrosis besprinkling proscribed vamped. unimpassioned scranny sterneber bundestag coannexes timetrp moly. annonaceous slopeness dewlaps stabile jambolan playgoers practicalize. qoph synclitic findal pigmental. misaffection outpick solder amissible pneumotomy fredericksburg landspringy tommed. scrawler breathingly pantywaist esophagectomy sulphoazotize cryptanalytic dramatists epinephrine undisinherited oversupplied. colliquation ribbonfish codical chloralformamide impersonalized necessist ignatia hirsuteness crystallography respirometer. untimeous undisadvantageous primp urinative.

Govenment don't want me to sell UndergroundCD !
Check Your spouse and staff
Investigate Your Own CREDIT-HISTORY
hacking someone PC!
Disappear in your city


multiply,and the administrator.
Lotsa folks wonder what the deal is with these, and think it might be some freaky deal about generative art/poetry or have something to do with space aliens. Sadly, these cryptic spamms have a very mundane explanation. Anti-spamm software at mail gateways look for a ton of mails that have the same exact body text, and send 'em all into the SpammBin�. So spammers write spamm mail software that takes random chunks of text and bashes 'em into each email, so they are all different. Sometimes they sound cool, but, really, it's just stupid spammers.

And seriously, people, call me and leave me a message. Here's my special number -

(866) 206-9067 x3879

See what I did there? I went and moved my diaryring to a rings and reviews page!

<<< die Schatten der Vergangenheit<<< >>> es strahlt, die Zukunft>>>

These are Japanese drummers. Yep, those are drums!

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