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<<< die Schatten der Vergangenheit<<< >>> es strahlt, die Zukunft>>>

Did I sleep at all?

01/11/2002 - 8:12 a.m.

Urf - I need to do something about sleeping.......

What is this thing where I keep waking up at 7 filthy thirty in the morning? This is not so kosher. Or else, I need to get to bed earlier.

I was up till almost 2 e-mailing back and forth with Miss Almost-Perfect. We had two conversations going on at once - one was about Cooly and whether he needs a new friend (and not-so-coincidentally about the pride (get it? pride? cats? lions? never mind.) of her life, HerCat1 and HerCat2). The other one was about "us." She's coming to my birthday dinner at Kowloon tonight, and is understandably nervous about it. I told her this:

Well, not to unduly butter you up, but - you are a prize, Miss Almost-Perfect. You are smart, witty, well-read, well-spoken, charming as all getout, fun to be around, terribly attractive, and I am consistently stunned when I consider the fact that more than one goober has been foolhardy enough to let you slip through his fingers. All that said, I have no doubt that you have your prickly sides as well - but - that doesn't change the fact that you have oodles of stuff going for you. It's always hard to meet a big pile of new people at once - but you're gonna do just fine. I know, cuz the Lord Elvis told me so Hisself, and you don't want to be caught doubting the King, little missy!

Oooh, you smoothtalking devil, you.

It was a shade disappointing to discover that she fell asleep before she got that one last night, but - but. She did read it this morning, and responded with this:

this is the first thing I read this have to say, you are definitely not a goober. I have my prickly sides. I don't think I'll tell you right now what they are tho. Think I'll keep this illusion going a while...hee...

You are also the sweetest thing I've come across in...oh...pretty much forever. And...ok, I AM nervous... but, I am looking forward to tonight. The day I have before tonight? Not so much. Sigh.

She really is a delight and a half. I can't wait till I feel really comfortable in her presence. Getting there........ but still not quite. But you know what? Filthy it. I'm in charge, monkeyfuh, and I don't have to be uncomfortable if I don't wanna. I'm taking my ball and going where the H I want to. I dig this woman, and I'm going to dig her the way I want. Si? Mother dog right!

When I went to pick her up last night, she wasn't ready, so she brought me up to her place. It's nice - small - really more of a garret than an apartment, but she has nice stuff - it is comfortable, I think. But I didn't really like being there, and it wasn't until later that I realized it was because I wasn't really there, in a way - I was only there because circumstances kinda forced it on us - she didn't feel like she could just leave me sitting on the porch while she finished getting ready...... so it was kinda weird and awkward. And we still have not kissed or hugged Hello - this, clearly, is my fault. I believe I have learned Miss Almost-Perfect Rule #1, which seems to be "You're in charge," but I'm having a hard time keeping up with it. But again - filthy it, Rico. You know the rule - play the game. If it turns out wrong - she'll let you know one way or another.

Oh yeah - Novocaine last night. Did I miss something besides the first 10 minutes? The shortest movie I've seen in a LOOOONG time, and surely one of the weakest. Film noir clich� #s 1 through 112 were in full effect - camera angles, plot "twists," almost laughably bad writing in places, this one had it all. Except for jokes! As it is billed as a comedy - I was expecting some humor. I didn't think it was going to be something along the lines of Bowfinger, but - my ironing board is funnier! Oh well. Having Miss Almost-Perfect bury her face in my shoulder during the gory parts was really quite pleasant, and pretty much made up for the outright badness of it all. After the flick, we went to the Burren for a drink, and were chased out by the truly awful version of "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down" by the band, called, I believe, the Swinging Johnsons. To put it very politely, they sucked. A lot. Then we walked to her place, spent a few quality minutes on the porch, and I came home.

Porch time has been deprecated in our society, and this must change - in some ways, it was the best part of the date. We'd just spent several hours together, so we were feeling pretty comfortable, and standing in the dark and holding each other loosely and talking was really, really nice. America needs more porches, and more dates need to end on the porch. Trust me, people, it's totally worth it. And savor these moments - you can have all the sex you want later - you're never going to have early date porch moments ever again. I need to write more about that...... maybe a song? Gad, I still need to figure out what to say about the parking permit..........

As for movie-going, I'm still not convinced about the front row thing, but...........

And, she sat all scrunched down, so I didn't get to do the ywany-stretchy arm thing - I guess I'll save that for Amelie tomorrow.

Did I mention that I like Miss Almost-Perfect?

Music to drive by:
Stiv Bators - "Make Up Your Mind" (Disconnected)
"Will I get the nerve to walk on by? They're coming to get me...."

See what I did there? I went and moved my diaryring to a rings and reviews page!

<<< die Schatten der Vergangenheit<<< >>> es strahlt, die Zukunft>>>

These are Japanese drummers. Yep, those are drums!

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