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<<< die Schatten der Vergangenheit<<< >>> es strahlt, die Zukunft>>>

Going Away / An Old Friend / Contest Redux

03/06/2002 - 7:40 p.m.

I like my girlf. Yes I do. We're going away this weekend. Ooooh - potential danger time. The first time you go away together is always tricky.

But we've been spending a lot of time together, and it's been good. We went to my friend's party last weekend, so she's met a few of my friends, and that was fun, and she liked them, and they liked her, so.

I'm looking forward to it.


When I was in junior high school, my best friend was a pretty great guy - certainly one of my all-time good friends. When my family moved away at the end of 8th grade, though, I did what I always did when we moved, which was leave all the people in that place behind. They might as well have been dead. He tried to keep in touch with me, but I didn't keep in touch back, and after a while, he stopped writing. Sounds kinda stupid now, but that's how I dealt with things like that in those days (and sometimes, still do).

Flash forward a whole buncha years, to about 10 years ago. I'm walking along through an office building lobby, on my way to a cafe, when I hear his name. It's a pretty unusual one, so I turn around. Yup, there he is. "Hey," I say, "you're Ringo McOldFriend, aren't you?"

He looks at me blankly. I say, "It's Red - Red Blur."

Look of blank puzzlement morphs into shock and surprise, and then we have that old friend chat about how long it's been blah blah blah. We trade numbers and make plans to get together soon. Cool, thinks young Red, my old pal. Now I can reconnect and make up for being such a jerk and disappearing back then.

So we get together. We talk about what we've been doing, the things we read, listen to, do for a living, and oddly enough our lives have taken quite similar paths. That we both work with computers is just one example.


We can't rekindle the old friendship spark. We try, but it just isn't there. I wonder sometimes if the thing is that we never directly addressed what happened after I moved away. I probably should have said something about it, but it was hard to do, and I didn't know how, and blah blah filthy blah. I'm sure he was hurt by my disappearance - I know I've been hurt by people just disappearing out of my life - and I'm sure that contributed to the barrier that existed when we met again. I wish I'd been more direct now.

Anyway, I dropped his name into Google today, just for the heck of it, to see what I might see, and I found a personal web page he set up several years ago. It's got pictures of his wedding on it. And I'm not sure, but I think his wife dated a friend of mine many years ago. That's weird.

I just realized I wrote a whole entry without any red bolds. That's really weird.


So far, I have had a grand total of ONE entry to my contest, which was detailed here. Come on, folks, I'm offering real boss prizes, and no one wants to get in on it.... the sole entrant is gonna win by default if you don't get on the stick.....

Update on March 13, 2002:

The contest info is now available here.

Music to Google by:
Wipers - "Time Marches On" (The Circle)
"I feel it's a mystery and I know what it's for...."

See what I did there? I went and moved my diaryring to a rings and reviews page!

<<< die Schatten der Vergangenheit<<< >>> es strahlt, die Zukunft>>>

These are Japanese drummers. Yep, those are drums!

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