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<<< die Schatten der Vergangenheit<<< >>> es strahlt, die Zukunft>>>

Where's ole Red been?

02/20/2002 - 12:09 a.m.

Geez.... 4 days since I last wrote in my diary. And to think, just 3 days ago, I was grumbling about the lack of updates from my personal fave rave D'landers.....

Well, ok, not here I wasn't, but in my head......

So, where has ole Red been for the last 4 days? Last Friday, as you may recall, I was yapping about my lost youth in the snowy German forest, feeling kinda blue and lonely and poetic. Saturday was a work day (no rest for the software geeks), and then I had tentative plans to go out again with one of my poisonal add dates on Sunday. You may remember her - we went out on our second date back around here, and then she kinda disappeared from the scene, cuz she darted off to a foreign land for a bit. Jetsetters.

But jetsetters come home eventually, so she's back this past week, and drops me a line saying "Let's get together this weekend." I figured that'd be a keen idea, but I didn't want to make plans for the Saturday, not knowing what kind of mess might crop up at the extra work day. In the event, no mess at all, and I was outta the office in plenty of time to catch a late afternoon flick, which I decided would be 'Mulholland Drive.'

Now, I can hear you saying it - "But Red, you hated 'Wild At Heart' so much that you haven't been willing to look at any of Lynch's crap since! And let's not even talk about the second season of 'Twin Peaks!' What on earth were you thinking?" And you're right. But I heard enough good things about the performances of the actors, and I decided it was time to give Lynchy another shot, so off I went.

And he pretty much did it to me again. He got me thinking that he was making a movie that was gonna make sense, and then he pulled the rug out from under me and made damn sure it didn't make any sense at all. Which is fine - I don't need a movie to make sense to enjoy it - 'Eraserhead' tickles my pleasure bulb like nobody's business, and it makes no more sense than my 6 year old nephew's explanation of why they need vacuum cleaner race cars on Jupiter because it's the hottest planet - but filth me, mama, if you make me think a movie's gonna make sense, it better filthy make sense in the end. And, true to form, this one - doesn't.


I did get to see it under an unusually swell circumstance, and actually perfect for this movie, which was - the projector broke down. Twice. If you've seen it, you can imagine why that might enhance the experience. Alienating moments in an alienating movie. Berty Brecht would have dug it the most.

Anyway - as I was driving into town to see the flick, I tried to call Miss Jetsetter to firm up our plans for the next day, cuz they were still quite tentative. I got her roomy, and as I was starting to say hello, the cell phone died. Dead battery. Stupe! When are you gonna learn to charge the effing thing? (How about never, apparently?)

Ok, I just reread this and see that it's getting long-winded and dull, so I'll cut to the good stuff. Miss Jetsetter calls me while I'm in the theatre. The movie lets out, I get back to the car, plug in the old cell machine, and hear "What about tonight, actually?" and I think, 'Ya know, that'd be pretty swell.' So I give her a ring and say "Soundee groovy, meet ya in an hour" and head back to my office to shave and prettify myself as best I can, considering what I have to work with.

To make a short story even shorter:

As regular readers may recall, we had already had a couple of mighty fine dates, Miss Jetsetter and I, but there weren't exactly what ya'd call "sparks" flying. This time around, some very pleasant sparks flew, and, well, ole Red's been doing some company-keeping the last day or two or three. We had us a swell time on Saturday night, and another swell time on Sunday afternoon, and another swell time yesterday, it being a long weekend and all and both of us having the day off.

And ya know, I dig this woman. She's pretty damn cool. She isn't Miss Almost-Perfect, but then, in retrospect, neither was Miss Almost-Perfect. I just wanted her to be.

Boy, I just can't seem to leave a situation unanalyzed, can I?

Music to reflect pleasantly on my new friend by:
Ultravox - "Dislocation" (Systems of Romance)
"The sun was going down one quiet evening, someone came into the room where I was half asleep"

See what I did there? I went and moved my diaryring to a rings and reviews page!

<<< die Schatten der Vergangenheit<<< >>> es strahlt, die Zukunft>>>

These are Japanese drummers. Yep, those are drums!

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