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<<< die Schatten der Vergangenheit<<< >>> es strahlt, die Zukunft>>>

The Red's Most-Read Contest Results

03/27/2002 - 2:51 p.m.

As most of you know by now, the contest is over. There were a total of 8 entries, and judging is complete. No one got it right, but there were some truly boss guesses and rationales.

Honorable mention goes to Kevin, who opined:
I think it may be "this is a rather lackluster entry-I wouldn't bother reading it if I where you." The reason I am making this choice is that it is human nature to do something we are told or encouaraged not to.
Can't argue with that.

In third place, Tattodnanny had this to say:
How 'bout "The one with the car accident", cuz, man, people love car accidents! They have entire movies and video games that are based solely on car accidents!
A fine fine rationale, but my fave from her was:
Is it "I wish I was the prince of wales"? Rationale: husband said try that one.
A good guess, and the first to actually be in the top 10 (#6)! Go Nanny! Also one of my fave rationales.

In second place, my super-secret Diaryland crush, Peth (Shhh - don't tell Flame!) had the most self-referential rationale:
I am picking the mystery donut entry, for the sole reason that it involves the shenanigans of sooner and myself, and I am completely self-absorbed. And because I love strange mysterious events, and I think everyone else does too, and who doesn't love a donut?
And ya know? I would really like to know, who doesn't love a donut?

Monstre had the most entries, and came the closest for several reasons. She is, therefore, declared the winner. Here's why:

Like Nanny, she picked "I Wish I was The Prince of Wales," which was #6 on the top 10 when the contest started in earnest.

She came closest to the top of the heap when she picked the actual number 3 entry, "The Cat Story So Far," using the rationale "it's the first to come up on a google search for redblur" which wasn't that cool a rationale, but was logical nonetheless.

She had a great rationale for this one: "Did I Sleep At All?", which was: "it's the first to come up on a search for redblur and sex."

(You can really never go wrong linking the words Redblur and sex in the same sentence. But you knew that already, didn't you?)

The rationale she used for guessing The Prince of Wales, is, I believe, the real true cause of the most-read entry, which is:
I did what people seem to be doing in my stats, and went looking for the most interesting entry title in your older page.
So there you have it. The Red's Most Read Contest has come to an end. All folks listed here should drop me a line with their mailing addresses, and an extra-super-deluxe top-secret approved-by-Red prize will be coming your way. If you don't want the prize, lemme know that too, ok? There's people in China who never get prizes who'd love it, I'm sure. Click here to mail me: HERE (Ha! I kill me!)

And for those of you who just have to have to know, the real answer was:
Elvis, do I really need to remind myself of this?
Go figger.

Music to judge by:
The Cramps - "TV Set" (Songs The Lord Taught Us)
"Oh baby I see you in my tv set - yeah baby I see you in my tv set"

See what I did there? I went and moved my diaryring to a rings and reviews page!

<<< die Schatten der Vergangenheit<<< >>> es strahlt, die Zukunft>>>

These are Japanese drummers. Yep, those are drums!

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